Star Spangled Savings Certificate

Star Spangled Savings in July!

7-Month Certificate Earn 4.00%APY

*Offer available 07/01/23 – 07/31/23. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY’s accurate as of 07/01/2023. One Star Spangled Certificate per Explorers member. Minimum amount $500. Maximum amount $100,000.
Star Spangled Certificate must be purchased in the month of July or a maximum of $3,000,000 in aggregate. Upon maturity, it will be transferred to the Explorers savings account. Rates, terms, and conditions are
subject to change or be revoked without notice. Dividends paid at maturity. Penalty for early withdrawal. Member eligibility is required. Federally insured by NCUA.

Visit for details on all the Share Certificates Explorers Credit Union has available!